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时间:2023-06-25 来源:m.86027.cn



钢铁侠:金牛座 Taurus [ˈtɔ:rəs]

Like those under the bull sign, Iron Man is known for his wit and intelligence. He is also known for his stubbornness in love and life in general.

Tony Stark enjoys the finer things in life — he is not afraid to splurge on a suit of armor or cliffside mansion. Although he can sometimes be difficult to work with, his dependable and persistent nature makes him a valuable asset to the Avengers team.
splurge /splɝdʒ/: v. 挥霍

洛基:双子座 Gemini ['dʒeminai]

Thor's adopted younger brother is charming, fast-thinking, and sharp. Never one to turn from a verbal parry, Loki made Marvel audiences fall in love with him.
parry /'pærɪ/:回避;闪躲

Loki is the most Gemini person to ever Gemini, and has his eye on an ever-changing prize.

蜘蛛侠:巨蟹座 Cancer ['kænsɚ]

Peter Parker is a tenacious young New Yorker with spider-like abilities and a Cancer-like eagerness to prove himself as a valuable member of the Avengers squad.
tenacious[tə'neʃəs]: adj. 顽强的;坚韧的;固执的

Although Spider-Man has a hard time fitting in with the kids in his high school, he is fiercely loyal to the people who are kindest to him. He can sometimes be a little impulsive, but his gentle nature and can-do attitude prove he's worthy of being an honorary water sign.
can-do /'kændu:/: 乐观进取的;肯苦干的
honorary /ˈɒnərərɪ/:名誉的
美国队长:狮子座 Leo ['li:əu]

ust like Leo signs, Captain America is a leader through and through. Marked by bravery and loyalty, Captain America's dedication to his team makes him an honorary fire sign.
through and through: 完全,彻底;彻头彻尾地

奇异博士:处女座 Virgo [ˈvɜːɡəʊ]

Known for their systematic approach to life and its various challenges, ever-logical Virgos are quite similar to the incredible Doctor Strange.
As one of the most powerful sorcerers in the MCU, Doctor Strange has the Virgo-esque ability to create world-saving strategies within a matter of seconds.
sorcerer /'sɔrsərɚ/ :魔法师

With a knack for the smaller details, Virgos and Doctor Strange aremeticulous to the point of destruction.
knack /næk/ :技能、本领;习惯、癖好
meticulous /mə'tɪkjələs/: 一丝不苟的;小心翼翼的;拘泥小节的

蚁人:天秤座 Libra ['laɪbrə]

Libras are known for their ability to charm and schmooze those around them and, not unlike Ant-Man, their ability to navigate even the most awkward of social situations is one of their greatest strengths.
schmooze /ʃmuz/: vi. 闲谈;拍马屁,扯关系

黑寡妇:天蝎座 Scorpio [ˈskɔ:pɪəʊ]

Just like this misunderstood zodiac sign, Natasha Romanoff is incredibly adept at hiding her feelings. Like a Scorpio, this super spy is patient, always waiting for the right time to put her game-winning strategies into place.
adept /ə'dɛpt/: adj. 熟练的;擅长…的

星爵:射手座 Sagittarius [ˌsædʒɪˈtɛrɪəs]

Sagittarius signs are known for their wanderlust and desire to traverse the world (or universe, if you will) seeking adventure.
wanderlust /'wɑndɚlʌst/: 流浪癖;漫游癖
They are quite like Star-Lord, perhaps one of the most well-traveled Avengers out there. Like those under this sign, he is no stranger to thrill-seeking.

Similar to those under this fire sign, Star-Lord is known for his unparalleled humor and quick wit. Plus, like the Archer, Star-Lord is no stranger to adaptability.

雷神:摩羯座 Capricorn ['kæprikɔ:n]

People under the Capricorn sign are known for their fortitude and determination to reach their goals, not unlike Thor.
fortitude /'fɔːtɪtjuːd/: n. 刚毅;不屈不挠;勇气

Although Capricorns (and Thor) may sometimes seem cold or distant, they are actually known for being kind people with complex emotions.

黑豹:水瓶座 Aquarius [ə'kwεəriəs]

Aquarians are known for their revolutionary thinking and this hero is as well, which is seen in how he ushered in a new reign in Wakanda with his progressive, global-focused mindset.

Like this air sign, Black Panther is a free spirit that thrives on the latest technological advances. He is also very compassionate.
air sign: 风象星座
绯红女巫:双鱼座 Pisces ['paisi:z]

Like Pisces, Scarlet Witch is emotionally understanding, and possesses a deep intuition regarding the true nature of those around her.
Like the sensitive water sign, Scarlet Witch can sometimes let her emotions overwhelm her.

Pisces are also known for their escapism and active imagination. Wanda herself has the ability to alter reality and create life-like illusions, which is probably the most Pisces superpower there can be.
escapism /ɪ'skepɪzəm/: n. 逃避现实,空想;逃避主义

惊奇队长:白羊座 Aries [ˈeəriːz]

A confident leader who is passionate about following her heart and doing the right thing, Captain Marvel is the epitome of what an Aries truly is.
epitome /ɪ'pɪtəmi/: 缩影;摘要;象征;典型

Captain Marvel doesn't let anyone — or anything — stand in her way. And, like a typical fire sign, this Avenger never backs downfrom a challenge.
back down: 放弃;让步


